Useful links
National Deaf Children SocietyThe Nuffield Foundation
Action On Hearing Loss
The National Technical Institute for the Deaf
The British Association of Teachers of the Deaf
The Ear Foundation
In this page you can find materials developed to support children's learning. These resources are designed to promote children's learning in three areas: 'literacy', 'numeracy' and 'working memory'. Some of the resources in this site are currently only accessible to participants in the research phase of the project (currently working memory). They will be open to everyone at a later time.
All the materials you will find within this website are for you to use in your teaching, and we hope you and your students like them and find them useful. However they may not be reproduced for commercial use and should not be altered in content. If you do decide to adapt these resources please acknowledge the source you have used.
Copyright © 2010 by Terezinha Nunes